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Bourgeois clothes from the collections of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz

Catalog "Bourgeois clothes from the collections of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz" Concept: Barbara Szafran Lyricists: Maria Molenda, Edyta Ross-Pazdyk Catalog notes prepared by: Barbara Szafran Editing, proofreading: Maria Magdalena Kroh Contemporary photographs and painting reproductions: Piotr Droździk Graphic concept: Kaja Renkas Graphic cooperation: Ewa Jaworska Format: 21×21 cm Number of pages: 148 Nowy Sącz 2018 ISBN 978-83-89989-85-7

The catalog "Bourgeois clothing from the collections of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz" presents over 100 of the most interesting exhibits from the collection of bourgeois costumes. Most of them were previously owned by famous families from Nowy Sącz: Barbacki, Kobak, Borucki, Flis and Ritter. The exhibits were combined with photos, archival illustrations and reproductions of paintings, as well as descriptions of clothes and accessories related to them. The publishing house also includes popular science texts by Maria Molenda, Bourgeois Fashion in Nowy Sącz, and The Role of Archival Photographs in Research on Bourgeois Dress on the Example of the Sądecczyzna Region.
Bourgeois clothes from the collections of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz
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