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Opening of the exhibition "The World Tree - plants in the folk culture of the Sącz region"

On May 17, 2024, in the Main Building, we opened the exhibition "Tree of the World - plants in the folk culture of the Sądecczyzna region", where you can see works of guild, folk and professional art relating to the motif of plants in rural culture, plant decorative motifs, and everyday objects made of made of wood, agricultural tools and household equipment for growing and processing plants, folk plant medicines and ritual attributes. The exhibition consists of over 140 objects and over 40 archival photos The idea of the exhibition was told to her by curator Joanna Hołda, head of the ethnography department.
The exhibition was created as part of the project "Tree of the World - plants in the folk culture of the Nowy Sącz region", a three-year research and popularization project aimed at presenting issues related to the economic, medical and ceremonial use of plants in the traditional rural culture of the Nowy Sącz region, as well as topics related to the plant world in local beliefs, cosmology and folklore.
Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund - a state earmarked fund

Photo Jacek Kurzeja