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Opening of the exhibition "The World in Colors. Watercolors by Zenon A. Remi"

On March 28, 2024, an exhibition of watercolors by Zenon A. Remi was opened in the Galician Town. The artist showed several dozen works, mainly architecture and landscapes, created during his numerous domestic and foreign travels. In addition to the author of the paintings, the vernissage was attended by his immediate family, the management and employees of the Museum of the Sądecka Region, and viewers interested in the artistic work of this famous architect.

Zenon Andrzej Remi (born October 3, 1946 in Nowy Sącz), architect, watercolor painter, graphic artist. He comes from a family that has been involved in architecture for generations. His grandfather was Zenon Adam, his father was Zenon Marian. The artist graduated from high school in his hometown of Nowy Sącz and the Faculty of Architecture of the Krakow University of Technology in 1969 and the following year he moved to Zakopane.

Photo Piotr Droździk