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Józef Wojtyga - photo report

On Friday, July 7, an exhibition dedicated to the architect and independence activist Józef Wojtyga was opened in the Gothic House.

At the exhibition, you can see designs and architectural drawings of selected buildings, as well as numerous sketches and painting impressions created during various journeys, as well as in wartime conditions.

We also show military and personal documents, correspondence and a collection of family photographs. All exhibits presented at the exhibition come from the collections of the historical department and the Archives of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz. They were donated by the architect's daughter Maria Wojtyga and granddaughter Maria Serafińska-Domańska. Professor Andrzej Mączyński from Nowy Sącz was also a guest.

The exhibition can be viewed from July 7 to September 23, 2023 during the opening hours of the Gothic House. Its curators are Edyta Ross-Pazdyk and Beata Wierzbicka.

photo. Piotr Drozdzik