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"Winged Nowy Sącz" event - photo report

The Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow, the District Museum in Nowy Sącz and the Małopolska Cultural Center Sokół in Nowy Sącz invited you to participate in the project entitled Winged Nowy Sącz. Exhibitions, film screenings, and presentations of aircraft replicas, which took place from September 8 to 10, 2023, recalled the traditions of aviation in the Nowy Sącz region and the people associated with it - pilots, training and technical staff. It is worth mentioning that the Nowy Sącz region was home to one of the first centers of Polish aviation activity, both in terms of training and building gliders - 90 years ago, the Glider School was founded in Tęgoborz on Góra Rachów and the first training of Nowy Sącz pilots began. The photos show part of the project hosted by the Galician Town.

Photographs - Michał Załuski