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City game "In the world of Nikifor" - photo report

City game "In the world of Nikifor" - photo report
On June 20, 2023, the Nikifor Museum in Krynica-Zdrój additionally organized the main city game entitled "In the world of Nikifor".

The game, like the two previous editions, likes to be useful among participants who wandered around Krynica in small groups of friends, discovering those places in the spa that are particularly related to the life and work of the painter. They solved various puzzles and educational activities there
with a painter, and also painted pictures similar to Nikifor's works
They designed original seals for Him. Each next item on the game path was available to museum employees and volunteers
in costumes by fashion from the 1920s and 1930s, which was an additional attraction not only for the participants of the game, but also for everyone. Some, special gentlemen, could not see the eyes of young ladies dressed in dresses from the early glory days of Krynica, which can only be seen in photos.

The game was attended mainly by children and teenagers from the primary school in Powroźnik, as well as one family group from Żytomierz in Ukraine. The game is supposed to help you learn and that's why participation is the most important thing
in that they help to play, on the eve of sports competitions, the atmosphere of which begins already in Krynica, they also strengthen sports emotions
and fishing line!

The beginning and end of the game took place at the Nikifor Museum, in the Romanówka villa, near the Stary Dom Zdrojowy, where an outdoor exhibition of Nikifor's paintings and seal designs was organized through participation in the game. All participants in the game received gifts and commemorative diplomas of participation from the organizers, with a reproduction of Nikifor's original painting entitled "A painter on his way to work".

The Nowy District Museum in Sącz would like to thank the City Hall in Krynica-Zdrój and the Krynica–Żegiestów S.A. Health Resort. for kindness
I provide facilities and spaces in the spa for the implementation of the game.

Zbigniew Wolanin