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ETHNOFERIE at the Lachy Sądeckie Museum in Podegrodzie

The Sądeckie Lakes Museum in Podegrodzie invites students from grades 1-8 of primary school, as well as preschoolers (with a guardian) to Etnoferie. Creative and educational classes will be held on two Fridays and two Saturdays during the holidays. The topics of the workshops concern local culture and issues related to ethnography - folk costumes and jewelry, dowry chests, traditional construction.

The number of places is limited, reservations are required: 18 440 01 88 or 785 190 830.
Ethnoferia program:
February 16, 2024 (Friday) 10.00-12.00 – Folk fashion
Colorful caftans, hand-embroidered shirts, decorative business cards, pink hats - the traditional costume of the Sądeckie Lachy region is rightly considered one of the most beautiful rural folk costumes in Poland. Class participants will play the role of designers and, based on a traditional Lachian pattern, they will try to create a contemporary, youthful outfit inspired by Lachian motifs. Payment: PLN 5/person.

February 17, 2024 (Saturday) 10.00-12.00 – Red beads – around folk jewelry
Creative and educational activities during which participants will learn what importance corals had for women, why they were passed from generation to generation and how they could be used to recognize the social position and wealth of the owner. Workshop participants will design and hand-paint wooden beads to create a souvenir decoration. Payment: PLN 5/person.

February 23, 2024 (Friday) 10.00-12.00 – We build the Lachów farm
The aim of the classes will be to learn the characteristic elements of the Lachów farmstead. Together we will make a colorful paper and cardboard model, creating a cottage, a stable, a barn and other farm buildings arranged around the central yard. Payment: PLN 5/person.

February 24, 2024 (Saturday) 10.00-12.00 – Secrets of the wine chest
A painted chest used to be the dream of every young country girl. The chest usually contained her entire dowry - dowry. Who made the chests? How were they decorated? What "treasures" were stored inside? Creative and educational classes during which participants will see the exhibits in the museum and make cardboard boxes modeled on the saints and decorate them according to their own ideas. Payment: PLN 5/person.