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World Bee Day

Bees are insects that play a very important role in the ecosystem. It is estimated that they produce ⅓ of the world's food because they pollinate as many as 77% of plant species. Bees have their day in the human calendar. It's May 21st. We invite you to World Bee Day a day later - May 21 in the Galician Town.
During open nature and beekeeping educational classes, led by Barbara Pomistrz (Facebook - Pszczele Ścieżki), there will be talks about bees and wild pollinators, as well as games and activities aimed at shaping pro-ecological attitudes and making us realize how much impact bees have on our lives. In a separate zone there will be educational boards and 3D models of insects. There will also be a quizz called "Bee Paths" and "Bee Memo".

We especially invite organized groups to participate in educational activities. Registration for classes at no. tel. 18 441 02 10 or 18 444 35 70.