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Costume of the Rusini Szlachtowscy

We invite you to an exhibition devoted to the clothing of the Ruthenian nobility, highlanders who once lived in four villages near Szczawnica. You will be able to see what they wore every day and what they wore on special occasions, and find out what influence the fashions of neighboring groups
Czuha, oplycza, chołonie, haci, chlywek, klacznica, tocenica, lajbyk, huńka - these are just some of the now forgotten names of individual pieces of clothing worn by unmarried women, bachelors and married men from Szlachtowa, Jaworki, Biała Woda and Czarna Woda. , a village of Rus Szlachtowska.
Javirska howirka - "Rusnak speech" still concealed many names of clothing, architecture and customs characteristic of this dialect, everything that distinguished those inhabitants from neighboring ethnographic groups. The costume of the Ruthenian nobility included many original elements, such as long coats with one buttress, sheep's hats, but also influences from Transcarpathia: lajbiks, short coats, bonnets, felt hats with a ruff turned up, sheepskin coats decorated with morocco and boots with uppers, as well as the influence of "Szczewnica fashion", manifested mainly in rich embroidery on chołos, huńki and vests.

♪ ♫Play it, you bastard,
on thin, on thin,
I'm going to dance
Jawor ladies.

Play, little boy,
thick, thick,
I'm going to dance
Jawor Kozłube. ♪ ♫
The costumes presented at the exhibition come from the collections of the Tatra Museum in Zakopane - a collection gathered before World War II, the Ethnographic Museum. Seweryn Udziela in Kraków, the private collection of Jerzy Starzyński and the Pieniny Museum in Szlachtowa.
Unique photographs were made available from the Museum. Przypkowski family in Jędrzejów, the private archive of Teresa Błaszkiewicz and the Pieniny Museum in Szlachtowa made by Adam Stadnicki.