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A meeting dedicated to Zofia Rydet

We invite you to a meeting with the people running the Foundation. Zofia Rydet - Maria Sokół-Augustyńska and Zofia Augustyńska-Martyniak, who will talk about the artist, the role of the Foundation as the guardian of her legacy and dissemination of knowledge about Zofia Rydet's work. The most important photographic series by Zofia Rydet will also be discussed.
The meeting will be accompanied by the promotion of the album entitled "Zofia Rydet. Documentation 1950-1978. Sądeckie. The publication presents extraordinary photos of Nowy Sącz and its surroundings, taken by Zofia Rydet in the 1960s and 1970s.

Album release titled "Zofia Rydet. Documentation 1950-1978. Sądeckie” and an exhibition entitled "Zofia Rydet. Sociological record 1978-1990", carried out as part of the project called "Home museums. Revitalizing identity in local communities of Małopolska.