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Promotion of the publishing house "From the manuscript of Rudolf Józefowski"

On Sunday, December 10, 2023 at At 5 p.m. at the Center for Culture and Promotion of the Łososina Dolna Commune, there will be a promotion of the publication "From the manuscript of Rudolf Józefowski". We cordially invite everyone interested in the traditional musical culture of the Nowy Sącz region.
The main part of the publication is the famous collection by Rudolf Józefowski, consisting of a musical part, including notations of the melody arranged for instruments, as well as a text part, containing verbal stanzas. The introduction consists of two articles, the first by Michalina Wojtas and Marta Kosecka entitled: Rudolf Józefowski (1926-1997), the second by Dr. Bożena Lewandowska entitled About Rudolf Józefowski's Manuscript. The publication comes with two CDs. The first of them contains recordings of melodies performed by solo violin, written down by the author as the so-called plugs. The second disc contains archival recordings of the Józefowski Bands from the archives of: the Małopolska Cultural Center SOKÓŁ in Nowy Sącz, the Polish Radio and the Phonographic Collections of the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Editorial, concept: Kamil Basta, Monika Kurzeja

Texts: Michalina Wojtas, Marta Kosecka, Dr. Bożena Lewandowska
Notes editing: Małgorzata Łukasik-Kogut

Editing of dialectal texts: Monika Kurzeja

Consultation and substantive correction of sheet music: Jadwiga Adamczyk

Substantive correction of dialectal texts: prof. Ph.D. Józef Kąś, Monika Kurzeja

Proofreading of texts: Maria Marcinowska

A selection of archive songs for CD: Jadwiga Adamczyk, Aleksander Smaga

Performers of songs on the CD: Marta Kosecka, Małgorzata Łukasik-Kogut, Jakub Sromek

Recording: Maksymilian Zięba
Mastering: GŁOŚNIEJ company Maksymilian Zięba

Publishing coordination: Teresa Ortyl

Cover design: Michał Załuski

Graphic design: Anna Tosiek

The publishing house was created as part of the project From the manuscript of Rudolf Józefowski - folk music of the Sądecczyzna region, co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund - a state earmarked fund.