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Project "Winged Nowy Sącz"

The Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow, the District Museum in Nowy Sącz and the Sokół Małopolska Cultural Center in Nowy Sącz invite you to participate in the project entitled Skrzydlaty Nowy Sącz. Exhibitions, film screenings, presentations of aircraft replicas are intended to remind the traditions of aviation in the Nowy Sącz region and people associated with it - pilots, training and technical staff. It is worth mentioning that it was in the Sądecczyzna region that one of the first centers of Polish aviation activity was located, both in terms of training and glider building - 90 years ago the Gliding School in Tęgobórz on Mount Rachów was founded and the first training of the Nowy Sącz pilots began.
September 8, 2023
MCK SOKÓŁ, Długosza 3, Nowy Sącz

The ceremonial inauguration of the "Skrzydlaty Nowy Sącz" event

Historical film screening "School glider under construction and in flight" with a speech by Tomasz Kosecki, director of the Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow and Leszek Zakrzewski, president of the Polish Historical Society, Branch in Nowy Sącz

1:00 p.m
Laying flowers on the graves of the Nowy Sącz pilots, Maj. drink Jerzy Iszkowski and instr. drink Leopold Kwiatkowski at the municipal cemetery in Nowy Sącz

Accompanying events: presentation of a flying replica of the Wrona bis glider from the collection of the Polish Aviation Museum and aircraft models; stands of military units.

September 9, 2023

Modeling workshops for the winners of the National Art Competition "Magic of Flight"

Final of the National Art Competition "Magic of Flight"

Historical film screening "School glider under construction and in flight"

Accompanying events: presentation of a flying replica of the Wrona bis glider from the collection of the Polish Aviation Museum and aircraft models.

September 10, 2023
Aviation Family Picnic
Galician Town (Lwowska 226, Nowy Sącz)

Opening of the exhibition "Winged Nowy Sącz - Major Pil. Jerzy Iszkowski and instr. drink Leopold Kwiatkowski”

The stand of the Polish Aviation Museum - animations, quizzes, aviation gadgets and souvenirs
Presentation of military units
Container shooting range
Presentation of small arms and support weapons
Educational and promotional stands (IPN Kraków, Carpathian Border Guard Unit)
Presentation of handicrafts and regional products
Flight shows of historic aircraft

Admission to the event is free, visiting the exhibition according to the price list.