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Nowy Sącz Music Festival

The Nowy Sącz Music Festival will be held on June 9 and 15, 2024. Classical music concerts will be held on the premises of the Sądecki Land Museum (main building) and the Stadeły Evangelical Church in the Sądecki Ethnographic Park in Nowy Sącz. As part of the project's prologue, foreign artists will perform (including Filomena de Pasquale - flute, Giordano Muolo - clarinet, Ciro Galeone - guitar) performing both Polish and foreign classical music of great cultural importance for the Polish and European heritage. The project aims to revitalize and strengthen the cultural offer of Nowy Sącz. The Artistic Director of the festival is Dr. Hab. Maciej Zimka and the event was held under the patronage of Miesięcznik and Internet Portal Sądeczanin, Gazeta and Information Portal Miasto Nowy Sącz, Radio RDN Nowy Sącz and DTS24. The event partner is the Hyatt Place Hotel. The event is organized by the Art Forum Foundation and co-organized by the Museum of the Sądecka Region
9/06/2024 (Sunday)
time. 18:00
Museum of the Sądecka Region
street Jagiellońska 56

Filomena de Pasquale – flute
Giorgio Albiani – guitar

The program includes: H. Villa-Lobos, J. Ibert

15/06/2024 (Saturday)
time. 18:00
Evangelical Church from Stadel,
Sądecki Ethnographic Park in Nowy Sącz

Alma di Gaetano – flute
Giordano Muolo – clarinet
Ciro Galeone – guitar

The program includes: J.S. Bach, G. Bizet, M. de Falla

Concert ticket - PLN 5