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European Heritage Days in the Sądecki Ethnographic Park

As part of the 31st edition of the European Heritage Days in the Sądecki Ethnographic Park, we have prepared many attractions for you. We invite, among others for a concert of folk music, ethnographic talks, demonstrations of old craftsmanship and for visiting places that are not usually open to tourists.


September 9, 2023
Admission free from 10.00-14.00, at other times according to the valid price list.


· visiting the matroneums in the Evangelical church from Stadła / No. 67

· visiting the presbytery - a sanctuary with an altar for the celebration of the liturgy (not available to the general public) in the Greek Catholic Church of St. Saint Demetrius of Black / No. 30

· curatorial guided tour of the exhibition "Crates with a lid. To the point” combined with workshops of painting people's chests for children, granary from Męcina / No. 16

· talk about the mysterious past of the manor in Rdzawa / No. 17


Concert of folk music duet Mirosława Zaziąbło & Kuba Bobass Wilk church from Łososina Dolna / No. 11

September 10, 2023
Free admission


Handicraft and folk art shows

· making tissue paper flowers  -  cottage from Gostwica / No. 2

· violin-making  -  a cottage from Mszalnica / No. 20

· wood carving  - cottage from Zagorzyn / No. 47

· bobbin lace  - manor house from Rdzawa / No. 17

· weaving of linen - cottage from Kamienica / No. 56

· painting folk chests - treadmill shed from Krużlowa / No. 13

· production of drivers' gloves - cottage from Obidza / No. 52