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Free Art Day

Choose quality, not quantity. On May 21, we invite visitors to take part in the FREE ART DAY campaign. This is an idea that encourages slow, more conscious sightseeing. According to statistics, museum visitors spend time in front of each work of art eight seconds. Fast sightseeing can make you feel tired or irritated it certainly does not allow you to enjoy art or deepen your knowledge.
In accordance with the idea of ​​the campaign, we have selected five objects in the Church of...
Łososina Dolna in the Sądecki Ethnographic Park. On May 21 (Tuesday) at 12:00, Justyna Stasiek-Harabin from the Art Department of our Museum will be waiting for you there. He will point out, tell stories, answer questions and convince you that art can be viewed without pressure or complexes due to lack of knowledge.

We invite you!