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Play in the series! photos will soon be available in the facilities of the Sądecka Land Museum

On behalf of the producer Atlanta Int, we invite you to participate in the making of the film!
This is a unique opportunity to see the recording of the series from behind the scenes and travel back in time to the 1950s!
Date: April 21 - Sunday
Place: Nowy Sącz

We are looking for extras, women and men aged 20-65 with a natural appearance:
- ladies: no permanent makeup, artificial eyebrows, eyelashes, nails or unnaturally dyed hair; no visible tattoos or pierced noses
- Men: classic hairstyles, but not crew-cut and not long rocker-type hair; no facial hair; no visible tattoos or piercings

The extras will act as guests of the inn and residents of the region.

You can apply by writing an e-mail to: LDZ.STATYSCI@GMAIL.COM
In the title: Nowy Sącz. Content: name and surname, age, telephone number and a recent photo (so that the face, hair length and color can be clearly seen)
or by phone: 605587668 (Justyna)

Rate: PLN 120/shooting day/payment in cash