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7th Małopolska Congress of the Silver Economy

We are pleased to announce that the next edition of the Małopolska Silver Economy Congress will be held on December 9, 2024 at the Krakow Opera. Plan your participation today! This time the debate will focus on two broad issues. The first is to include older people in social life and create conditions for intergenerational solidarity and integration. Invited commune leaders and experts will discuss local building
senior policy. The second equally important topic is the role of modern technologies in improving the quality of life of the older generation.
Representatives of local governments, as well as entrepreneurs and experts from...
fields of technology that can make life easier for older people. We will try to find it together answers to burning questions. How to effectively use the potential of older people? Why some of them remain passive and lock themselves in their homes as if retirement meant the end an active and passionate life? Finally, whether the elderly, sick and lonely must be condemned to vegetation in your own home? Together with invited representatives of the technology industry we will also look for solutions to improve the everyday functioning of seniors. As every year, an interesting program and additional attractions have been prepared. This time he is waiting for
Your musical surprise – a recital by the artists of the Krakow Opera!
We cordially invite all interested parties to participate in the congress. Follow the website Recruitment for the event will start in October.