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Presentation of the catalog for the exhibition Costume of the Ruthenian Nobility

We cordially invite you to the Pieniny Museum in Szlachtowa, the temporary exhibition hall in the Study Warehouse building, to promote the catalog "The costume of the Ruthenian nobility" - the publication crowning the exhibition under the same title, which will last until the end of September 2024. The author of the text is the curator of the exhibition, Barbara Węglarz.
The exhibition entitled "The Costume of the Ruthenians of the Nobility" is another exhibition organized by the Pieniny Museum in Szlachtowa, devoted to the folk culture of the Lemko people who lived until the end of the 1940s in four villages neighboring Szczawnica: Szlachtowa, Jaworki, Biała Woda and Czarna Woda, named by prof. Roman Reinfuss Nobility Ruthenia. The first of the above-mentioned exhibitions took place in 2011 and was titled "Russia Szlachtowska - center of tinkering". The currently presented exhibition tells the story of how the Ruthenians of the Nobility dressed, and what influence the fashion of their neighbors had on shaping their clothes. The names of the individual pieces of clothing worn by unmarried women, bachelors and married men were retrieved from oblivion - czucha with hoods, oplycza, chołonie, haci, chlywek, kłacznica, tocenica, lajbyk, huńka. The costumes presented at the exhibition come from museum and private collections: the Tatra Museum in Zakopane (a collection gathered before World War II by the geologist Ferdynand Rabowski), the Ethnographic Museum. Seweryn Udziela in Kraków, from the collections of: Jerzy Starzyński and the Lemko Song and Dance Ensemble "Kyczera" in Legnica, Agnieszka Stopka and Iwona Waligóra (residents of Jaworki), as well as the Pieniny Museum in Szlachtowa. The whole is complemented by archival photographs: from the Museum of Przypkowskich in Jędrzejów, made by Tadeusz Przypkowski in 1931 in the area of ​​Szlachtowa and Jaworki, as well as from the family album of Teresa Błaszkiewicz, made in the 1930s in Jaworki by Mary Strock (born in 1905 in the USA, daughter of Feliks Bulak from Jaworkek, who emigrated, like many Lemkos, to the United States at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries) and from the Pieniny Museum in Szlachtowa, made in Szlachtowa by Adam Stadnicki in 1904. The production of the exhibition and this publication was possible thanks to the financial support of the Voivodeship Marshal's Office Małopolska in Krakow as part of the project "Home museums. Revitalizing identity in local communities of Małopolska.

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Text, catalog concept - Barbara Węglarz
Taking and preparing photographs for printing -Piotr Droździk
Graphic design, preparation for printing - Piotr Hrehorowicz, Małgorzata Punzet, Inter Line SC