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Performance "From a bird's eye view - or the Song of Earth and Heaven"

God and the Devil, in the form of two doves, face the task of creating the earth, which leads to their eternal rivalry. "From a bird's eye view, or the Song of the Earth and the Heavens" is a theatrical interpretation of the myth, in which the story combines with music to create a coherent show inspired by traditional beliefs.
Mythical images of the creation of the world come to life on stage. Themes of love, betrayal and transformation permeate the entire story, showing the struggle between the forces of good and evil.
The show is enriched by live music. Vocals and sounds of ethnic instruments introduce the viewer to the atmosphere of fairy tales and legends.

"From a bird's eye view - or the Song of Earth and Heaven"
Karolina Fortuna, Szymon Budzyk / Art of Theater Foundation