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A vision, a dream, a mystery. The art of the imagination

The exhibition “Vision, Dream, Mystery. The Art of Imagination” is a story about what is unobvious, fanciful and beyond the realm of art. It will present the works of various artists living in the 20th and 21st centuries, who decided to tackle fantastic themes in a variety of ways.

Vernissage - June 23, 2023, at 17.00
Ewa Pello, Family portrait inside, 1993, from the collection of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz
The collected works, often unobvious, oneiric and mysterious, will allow you to move for a moment into a completely different world, where unfettered imagination is the leader.

The exhibition will present the works of artists mainly associated with the Nowy Sącz region, both professional and intuitive, as well as the works of pastelists who have participated in the Pastel Biennale in Nowy Sącz over the years. The exhibition will be a good opportunity to recall many extremely interesting, although less known, artists whose works fully deserve appreciation.

The presented works come from the collection of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz and the collection of the BWA Sokół Contemporary Art Gallery in Nowy Sącz.

Curators of the exhibition: Justyna Stasiek-Harabin, Barbara Szafran
Józef Pogwizd, Seekers of Anxiety, 1985, from the collection of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz
Artists participating in the exhibition:

Adamowicz Barbara, Cieczkiewicz Edmund, Cichoń Mariusz, Ciemierkiewicz Tadeusz, Gałużny Czesław, Głuszek Jerzy, Harsdorf Ewa, Iwańska Władysława, Karkoszka Jadwiga, Kiljańska Gabriela, Kowalewski Zbigniew, Kozłowski Hieronim, Kuciakowska-Zachariasz Alina, Kuskowski Stanisław, Kwiatkowski Kazimierz, Lewandowski-Palle Paweł, Michalik Borys, Narzyński Juliusz, Niewola Jan, Olesiejuk Stanisław, Olszak Jan, Pello Ewa, Pietrzkiewicz Ryszard, Pogwizd Józef, Schmit Zdzisław, Szczodrowski Paweł, Wnęk Maria, Zachariasz-Kuciakowska, Załuski Albert, Zelek Piotr.
Czesław Gałużny, Bride II, pastel on paper, 2000, from the collection of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz
“The imagination breaks everything down into tiny pieces according to the laws of the soul, then collects and arranges them, building a whole new world out of them.”

Charles Baudelaire
Juliusz Narzyński, Don't talk about final things, 1997, from the collection of the District Museum in Nowy Sącz