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Festival of Sensitive Culture - proposals of the Museum of the Sądecka Region

The Sensitive Culture Festival is a unique event in Małopolska that proves that culture is available to everyone. Several dozen institutions from all over the voivodeship, including museums, theaters and music centers, will present a cultural offer intended for everyone. During the festival, you will be able to see exclusive exhibitions and performances, take part in film screenings, concerts, meetings and workshops. The events were planned with full accessibility in mind for people with disabilities and those who may encounter difficulties in participating in traditional forms of culture.
Festival proposals of the Museum of the Sądecka Region

September 22 (Sunday) – October 1 (Saturday)
Main Building
street Jagiellońska 56
Nowy Sącz
Guided tours of exhibitions with live audio description
Visiting time: approx. 1 hour
The group can consist of up to 20 people.
Admission: PLN 3
Registration required
Contact: 18 443 77 08 ext. 129 (reservations from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.)
Availability: live audio description for people with visual impairment, on the autism spectrum, in mental crisis 

September 24 (Tuesday)
10.00-13.00, 14.00-17.00
Nikifor Museum
Bulwary Dietla 19
Guided tours of exhibitions with live audio description
Visiting time: approx. 1 hour
The group can consist of up to 20 people.
Admission: PLN 3
Registration required
Contact: 18 471 53 03 (reservations from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00-13.00; 14.00-17.00)
Availability: live audio description for people with visual impairment, on the autism spectrum, in mental crisis

September 24 (Tuesday) - September 28 (Saturday) and October 1 (Tuesday) - October 2 (Wednesday)
Maria Ritter Gallery and Old Bourgeois Interiors
Nowy Sącz
Guided tours of exhibitions with live audio description
Visiting time: approx. 1 hour
The group can consist of up to 20 people.
Admission: PLN 3
Registration required
Contact: 18 443 78 37 (reservations from Tuesday - Thursday 10.00-15.00, Friday 9.00-17.00, Saturday 9.00-14.30)
Availability: live audio description for people with visual impairment, on the autism spectrum, in mental crisis

We invite you!